When we look around the city, we see endless opportunity and incredible talent, but no bridge for people to go from pop-up to permanent. In 2020, we made that our mission and built it from scratch, starting in the heart of Cambridge, Central Square. Through partnership with cultural non-profit powerhouse, the Central Square BID and local design team, Flagg Street Studio, we prototyped the Mass Ave we believe can exist, drafting on the incredible success of Starlight Square.

For three years, we have effectively and creatively on-ramped entrepreneurs into a program designed to take them where they want to go, developing both the physical infrastructure and the curriculum to build their skills and confidence.

From financial literacy and LLC formation to merchandising and public speaking, our curriculum strengthens the soft skills needed to succeed as a small business owner.


Popportunity designs and develops all of the mobile infrastructure used by the program. Our beginnings are humble: we converted UHaul storage pods into tiny storefronts. Next, we introduced a second generation prototype.

Every season, we layer something new to the original Starlight footprint. Food and drink. One-day carts. A satellite on Mass Ave. Always keeping our eye on the bigger prize, more permanent space for people.


At 541 and 301 Mass Ave, we successfully facilitated—through lease negotiation, fit out support, and marketing—the dream so many people start with at Popportunity: their own brick-and-mortar store.
